Saturday, July 3, 2010

More Updated Pictures

I had a bit more time, so instead of making you wait till tomorrow:
here are some more updated pictures of the sheep that are still available:

Thomas: White Ram -> $175 Sold pending payment.

Due to a horn malfunction - Thomas will either need to be castrated - or have his horns trimmed yearly.
He has a lovely dense, crimpy and soft fleece.

Zeus -> $250

White Ram Lamb.
Good looking horns.
Zeus is NOT as fat as he looks in this picture.
Not sure why it came out this way - I think it
was just the way he was standing.

I really really want to keep this fella - he's going to be an awesome ram - and pure white rams are so hard to find.

Little Dude -> $200

Gray Bersugget ram lamb. Horns look good
so far.
Now - I really like this little fella. He has been
bottle supplemented due to the fact he was stolen
at birth and his real mom was kinda rough on him. He is super friendly - which means - you castrate him and turn him into a fibre pet - or you really be careful handling him.

He is going to go light gray in colour - but will carry mioget - and spots.

Caramel -> $250 SOLD

Mioget ewe - krunet, flecket.

Caramel is very sweet, shy and quiet.
She has an awesome crimpy fleece.
If I wasn't downsizing massively, this little lady would definitely be on my to keep list based on her fleece alone.

Snickers -> $250

Mioget, gulmoget, smirslet ewe.

Snickers is standing in a little gully in this picture which is why she looks kinda funny. Again, she's
a shy girl - but very quiet and sweet. Her fleece isn't as nice as Caramels, but she does have a very dense single coated fleece.
This girl would also be on my to keep list if I wasn't downsizing.

That's it for right now on the sales list.
Keep checking back as I am continually assessing the flock as the pain in my shoulder/neck gets worse - and I realize that I can't do this for much longer.

Terms of sale are listed back a few posts - or you can contact me for more info:

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