Let's start with the ewes. Now - none of these ewes have ever been bred, so I can't vouch for
how easy they are as birthers or how good they are as moms. That being said - anyone who fails to catch when exposed to a ram - I will buy back.

Kalwa Taure Ruby:
Sire: Kalwa Taure Bernard (black)
Dam: Willow Garden Bella (lt Gray)
DOB: June 4/09
I thought this little girl was going to be emsket,
but she has turned out to be fawn or musket, which is a lovely light light golden brown colour.
A lot of people will actually call it oatmeal - but I think it's a bit darker.

Ewenique Wren:
Sire: Woolly Fred (fawn katmoget)
Dam: Willow Garden Lentil (emsket)
DOB: April 6/08
Wren is a lovely little fawn katmoget - but she
also is carrying emsket on her mothers side - so there are possibilities there.

Sire:WG Box Car Willie
Dam: Windwater Lilac
DOB: May 2/07
Snickers is a mioget, yuglet, sokket.
Mioget is a light reddish colour - very much sought after. She has a decently crimpy fleece.
She's very shy - but getting friendlier.
Now for the remaining boys: (Rams/Wethers)

Kalwa Taure Little Dude:
Sire: Thistlecroft Thomas (white)
Dam: Windwater Rosie (mioget)
Little Dude is a gray bersugget.
Meaning - he is going to go light gray - his face may stay mottled gray - but he will carry spots.
I was looking at his fleece tonight - and it appears to be pretty crimpy. I think he may be a nice
fella - those horns look good right now.
He will have to be handled with extreme care, as
he was a bottle baby - and is a bit on the over friendly side.

Sire: Kalwa Taure Bernard (black)
Dam: Windwater Rosie (mioget)
DOB: June 3/09
Hamish is a moorit (brown) - with 2 white
His horns are clearing very nicely - exactly what a nicely conformed shetland ram should be.
He has a lovely crimpy fleece coming in.
He's also very mannerly and not overly bossy in the ram department.
We have not used him for breeding yet - so cannot say that he is proven.

Hopeful Wilbur
DOB: April 27/04
Wilbur is a castrated ram (wether).
He has a stunning light gray fleece
and he would make a wonderful fibre pet.
He is a bit on the skittish side - and does have a full rack of horns - so I would say that he should
only go to someone with a bit of experience
handling larger animals. He won't butt - but he
is harder to catch because he's skittish.
That's it for now:
Terms are as follows:
Contact me if you are interested in any of these sheep: tammyward@xcelco.on.ca
50% deposit must be received within 5 days of you showing your interest. Balance is due in CASH when you pick up your sheep.
Delivery is Extra - check with us - sometimes we are heading your way - or close by and delivery can be arranged.
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT ask for any special deals. These prices are very good now - and will not be lowered or reduced. I may however throw in a free breeding of a ewe to one of my remaining rams - but that is it.